Raising Healthy Teenagers: Equipping Your Child to Navigate the Pitfalls and Dangers of Teen Life
Tom Kersting is a nationally renowned psychotherapist, family therapist and parenting expert unpacks the unique challenges teens face today--including isolation from friends and family, increased screen-time, and a steady stream of fear-based media--and helps parents guide them toward better mental health and life success.
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Disconnected: How to Protect Your Kids From the Harmful Effects of Device Dependency
There's no denying the clear connection's between overuse of devices--smartphones, computers and video games--and the growing mental health crisis, especially in our children. Too much screen time has a real measurable effects on kids" brains, self-esteem, emotional development, and social skills. We aren't controlling our devices anymore--they're controlling us.
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Tom helps families in crisis or just in disaccord...
Tom Kersting is a nationally renowned psychotherapist, author and television contributor. He is the author of Disconnected: How to Protect Your Kids From the Harmful Effects of Device Dependency. His latest book, Raising Healthy Teenagers: Equipping Your Child to Navigate the Pitfalls and Dangers of Teen Life comes-out in February.
Tom has traveled the country speaking in schools, churches, as well as to parents, families, and in corporations delivering this important message. He has been on televison programs such as Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and many more. Tom knows all the latest research, studies, and facts about the dangers of over-device use.
About Tom

Middle school student Abby and her mom, Brooke, as well as Thomas Kersting, family therapist and author of “Disconnected,” talk about the benefits of limiting social media use.Middle school student Abby Jones recently gave up social media for month after her parents intervened, and gave her a copy of Tom's book. Abby shares her story, and Tom talks on The Today Show about why limiting social media use is critical.
Hear the
Harmful Effects
Tom Kersting explains some of the data, and research about the harmful effects devices have on our children...

Hire Tom to Speak
Tom travels the country speaking in schools, churches, as well as to parents, families, and in corporations delivering this important message. He has been on televison programs such as Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and many more. Tom knows all the latest research, studies, and facts about the dangers of over-device use.
For information and scheduling [email protected]
Speaking & Media
Tom knows the facts, does his research, and offers solutions...

"Love Tom's practical tips and strategies for being more mindful...stuff not only our kids need but that can help us as parents re-connect to what is real too! "
Deborah Morgan
Kids Health Revolution

"Tom Kersting tells it like it is, with confidence that can only come from years of experience and a natural gift for healing the human psyche. As the host of Hardcore Hobbies on “National Geographic” he blew our minds with his ability to intuit exactly what the obsessed hobbyists needed to do to get back to living their lives."